
Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Harm the Environment? You may have heard about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and how they impact the environment. Even though NFTs themselves do not cause any environmental impact, their impact on our climate can be linked to how they are produced. The way that NFTs are created can be highly energy intensive.
Preston Pysh talks with Eric Weiss about Bitcoin. They discuss why it’s important for Bitcoin to be considered property relative to many other digital asset projects. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00:00 – Intro 00:00:28 – Eric’s thoughts on the Bitcoin Miami conference. 00:02:52 – Eric’s overview of the world economy. 00:07:19 – Eric’s background
There’s a saying in investing, attributed to Warren Buffett, that you don’t see who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.  Essentially, this means that poorly run and troubled companies are most exposed during market downturns. This is certainly proving to be the case this year. With all the major U.S. indices now in bear
TD Ameritrade and E*TRADE are both very large brokerage firms that have been in the online trading business from its early days. E*TRADE was formed in 1982 as an online broker, while TD Ameritrade was founded in 1975 and began online brokerage operations in 1994. Both companies offer commission free stock and ETF trading, and
This should be an interesting end to the year for auto stocks. First, you’ve got the White House shifting into high gear on President Joe Biden’s push into electric vehicles. Biden announced approval of the first $900 million that will be spent in the U.S. to build EV charging stations throughout 35 states. The effort
Headline inflation numbers continue to run near their highest levels in 40 years. The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by 75 more basis points in September. Analysts are rightly nervous about how long this rising-price period will persist. However, one key sector of the economy is already signaling that the worst of the inflation has
One of the obstacles to mainstream adoption of digital currency has been hacking. Some high-profile thefts have occurred on various cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms, deterring investors from putting their money on them.  Blockchain projects are expected to be secure, but two hacks in August and September 2022 made the top seven of all time, shattering this myth.